In the 2-3’s room we encourage children to explore, investigate, try new things, make choices, respect nature, be kind to each other and develop their own sense of identity. We are not only giving children foundation skills for their progression to the Preschool Room but value the importance of being two and all that comes with it.
Play Spaces
The 2-3 room has its very own indoor and outdoor play spaces within the centre. These involve a variety of indoor learning areas - home corner, book corner, craft, fine motor, sensory, construction and areas based on children's interests. We also have a lunch area, two sleep rooms, a nappy change area and a veranda which is equipt with resources for children to develop their gross motor skills and other opportunities for growth. The children are given the opportunity to choose the environment in which they would like to explore, investigate and engage in within the room.
The outdoor yard is a shared environment and includes children from 2-5 years. This yard consists of a sandpit, bike track, book area, construction/block area, climbing equipment, fort, 3-5 veranda equipped with an ample amount of resources as well as a back grass area for opportunities to play different sports and turn taking games. We have a huge amount of plants, vegies and fruits planted across the yard and encourage the children to take care of their environment by watering and nurturing these plants.
"A child's play is not simply a reproduction of what he has experienced, but a creative reworking of the impressions he has acquired" Lev Vygotsky
Staffing in the 2-3 Room
In the 2-3’s room at Koala we have beautiful staff who are passionate about Early Childhood Care and Education. With a daily limit of 15 children and 4 staff we operate with above recommended ratios. All staff members work five days a week in set shifts which allows for attachments and strong relationships to be formed with children and families.
Monique is one of our Team Leader's in the 2-3 room and is working Full time at Koala with over 15 years experience in the childcare environment. Monique has her Diploma in Children's services and is a mum with three wonderful GROWN-UP children who inspire her everyday. She has been part of the Koala team SINCE 2016 and is thoroughly enjoying her role in both teaching the children and leading the 2-3 room team. Monique has a strong passion for childcare and to her it's about respecting and appreciating the qualities of each child. Monique values all children as endless explorers, full of curiosity about themselves, about others and their world.
ELISE: started at koala in 2021 in a part time capacity and moved into the full time team leader role in 2023. She is a diploma trained educator and has cared for and educated children for over 20 years. she enjoys building relationships with families and children, watching them grow and learn THROUGHOUT the years. her philosophy includes focusing on children's sense of belonging, family grouping and child directed play. Amanda has been working at Koala since 2014 and has completed her Diploma in Children's Services. Amanda takes pride in the children's learning environment and ensures she provides the children with ample opportunities to grow and learn. She believes in play based learning to educate children and that they learn with their hands; observing, attempting, experimenting and mastering through positive play based experiences. This quote helps to support Amanda's approach in the 2-3 room - "Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in you gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute you ideas" -Henry Ford.
Chloe: is the Diploma trainee in the 2-3's and has been working at Koala since 2020 Chloe works Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. She is passionate about art and craft and loves to draw in her spare time. While Chloe has been in the 2-3's she has formed strong, respectful and mutual connections with the children and their families.
Hanan: has been volunteering at koala since 2021 on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Hanan loves spending time with the children at Koala and her grandchildren. Hanan is bilingual and speaks lebanese. We love having hanan at koala providing extra support to our children and educators during the day.
Educator's Role in the 2-3 Room
We see it as our role to get to know each individual child and family and to make them all feel a part of the Koala Family. We support children through their first days at Kindy and form attachments that give them a sense of belonging in this new environment. Each child has an Educator who is responsible for planning and implementing fun and challenging experiences that support the child’s interests and strengths and set goals for future learning. Staff complete individual child portfolio’s that document this learning and provides a written link between home and Kindy. The daily program is documented in the Day Story which is sent out every day via email and is displayed near our main door. We value parents feedback and are interested in any events or new topic's that may be coming up at home with your child. Parent's can fill out a parent input form which is located on the front desk or via email to let us know about what you are working on with your child at home or what social/cultural experiences you might be celebrating at home. We find that this supports educators and families to work together to create the best outcomes for children.
2-3's Room Routine
We start our day inside the room, engaging in a variety of experiences, participating in our Munch and Move program as well as enjoying a healthy morning tea. The experiences within the room are selected by all staff to best suit the children's needs and goals that they are working towards. Before transitioning outside the children partake in a small group time and this usually consists of singing different songs and reading books. The children then transition outside and enjoy the outdoor environment with friends. Lunch is served inside the room, a small group time involving puppets and stories is read to children and this is then followed by sleep/rest time. After sleep time the children are provided with the opportunity to venture within the room again before afternoon tea is served. We make our way outside for one last play and the children are then encouraged to help staff pack away all resources. The children will have a late snack at 4:15pm and remain in the room until parent pick up.
Sleep/Rest Environment
In the 2-3 room we have two sleep rooms with easy stacking stretcher beds. Children will need to bring their own sheets which can be purchased at Koala and come in a variety of different colours and modern patterns. Children are able to bring a comforter from home like a teddy, pillow or soft toy and will be placed on their beds ready for them when it is sleep time. Staff are interested in your child's sleeping habits and routines that are being followed at home and look forward to working with you to ensure your child's needs are met.
Special Events
During the year we offered many special activities and educational performances as part of our learning program. Some of the experience we have provided are;
Gigglee Show
Rangers on the Run - Under the Sea Show
City Transport Show
2018 Book Fair
Easter Morning Tea
Col Hardy Social Night
NAIDOC week, Harmony Day, Reconciliation Week
Mother's and Father's Day
Grandparents Planting Day
Firefighters, Ambulance and Police Visit
Dentist Show
Butterfly Enclosure – we got to see the life cycle of a butterfly and care for them throughout their stay
Biggest Morning Tea where we helped raise money for cancer research
Daffodil Day
Science Week
Tracky Dack Day where we raised money for sick children and their families
Although I'm not their mother I care for them each day, I cuddle, sing and read to them And watch them as they play. I see each new accomplishment, I help them grow and learn. I understand their language, I listen with concern. They come to me for comfort, And I kiss away their tears. They proudly show their work to me, I give the loudest cheers! No, I 'm not their mother, But my role is just as strong. I nurture them and keep them safe, Though maybe not for long. I know someday the time will come, When we will have to part. But I know each child I cared for, Is forever in my heart.