“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein
All about our Koala Farmyard
We believe that instilling a connection to the land and the creatures within it is powerful. It has a wonderful effect on children’s wellbeing and results in a lifelong respect for the earth that sustains us. Time in our garden is enriching. It heightens our senses as we observe, smell and taste the wonderful things growing. Our children love to plant, and watch produce, and flowers grow but their favourite thing is having the freedom to sample food fresh off the vine or plant. Our most adored foods to taste this year have been strawberries, snow peas, tomatoes, citrus fruits, native raspberries, mint and spinach.
Being involved in feeding our chicken’s and collecting the eggs they lay is another highlight in this space. We also enjoy spotting the array of bugs, insects and birds that visit here which develops our fascination for and learning about important creatures in nature.
Our garden provides opportunities to gain knowledge of sustainable practices as we add our food scraps and leaves to the compost and learn about conserving water via using our rainwater tank.
Being involved in caring for plants develops our children’s sense of responsibility, boosts their self-belief and our garden rewards their kindness with the tastiest produce.